Download CarRento - Car Rental Service Bootstrap HTML at cheap price:-
CarRento – Car booking service html website template is designed for the business person who are running their business offline. CarRento is the suitable template to run their business online and want to grow their business. This template is develope using HTML5 and styled by CSS. CarRento theme contain all the feature that are necessary to run their business online.
This template can be use by the business owner for the all type of rental service provider transportation vehicle. CarRento contain many page that are uniquely designed by CSS and HTML . All the pages in this theme are useful to display all the feature regarding to the transportation business.This template contains a well defined documentation the give full guidence for the use of website.
CarRento – Car booking service html website template have a uniquely defined footer section that have mani menu also to navigate to another page. This template have a form from which you can select your pickup and drop location easily.This template contains a package main menu which have some sub menu this are useful for the selecting the type of care and their price also with recently added car for rent.In this template you will see that all website are responsive in nature it means that it can be run on all available devices. The main reason for the the responsiveness is that it will look good for the user and will attract also.This template have a well defined and well designed blog section that have many blog pages which display all latest blog information in respective manner.
When we talk about gallery page which are very attractive that display their old client photos or visitors.CarRento car booking service html website template have a contact page that have all the information regarding the business owner from which the website user can easily contact for further information.
Important Features:-
1. Main Page.
2. Inventory Pages.
3. Blog.
4. Google Font.
5. Working forms.
6. CSS3 animations and transitions.
7. Unique & Responsive Design.
8. Easy to Customize.
9. All Commented Code.
10. Well Documentation.
CarRento - Car Rental Service Bootstrap HTML is developed by Templatemonster (Known and Good Developer)
If you want more information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website February 1, 2023
Download CarRento - Car Rental Service Bootstrap HTML HTML Template right now and set up your own High-End website in a matter of minutes.
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